Meet Anne Garland
You’ve heard of Six Degrees of Separation? Well, Anne Garland can cut that down to one. Anne (pronounced Annie) is the ultimate connector — and has literally been so since her early career starting with the telephone company. And in a world where who you know can be more powerful than what you know — Anne knows how to bring the right people together and produce bold, positive results.
Anne taps into a vast resume that includes working for top international brands like BASF, Honeywell, Hanes Knitwear, Applied Textiles, and others. Her keen marketing and sales skills, coupled with her interior design creativeness she honed with Kagan Architects, Connecticut delivers a one-two combination of punches that knocks out the competition by bringing the best out of people and teams.
As an award-winning presenter and event producer, Anne makes it her mission to inspire others. Passionate about empowering women entrepreneurs, her goal is to motivate women from playing roles behind the scenes to taking center stage. Anne is a contributing author of “Make Your Connections Count’, The Art of Connecting People; 5 Steps to a Successful Networking Event, Thrive Publishing. And no matter what your professional need is, Anne has your back with a vision to put you on center stage.
Anne lives between her two homes, fifty semi wooded acres in rural Connecticut and the summer beach house in Old Lyme enjoying the best of both diverse worlds with her husband Keith and their two beautiful collies. She also loves riding their motorcycle through the back roads viewing the Connecticut you never really see when in a car.