
I'm So excited you're here! 

By signing up today you will become one of our exclusive Chic Club members. This allows you the privilege of first right of refusal to ALL our events. That includes two annual events and a minimum of eight in-person adventures in the coming year. The annual events have proven to be very popular and often sell out. As a member of The Chic Club you will always have first right of refusal to these events!

In-person and Zoom events are intentionally intimate and exclusive to Chic Club Members. Events being planned may include a cooking class, a vineyard tour, line dancing, boat excursions, and more! You will want to join our private ChicClub V.I.P.Facebook group to stay on top of details as they become available. And we get together the second Tuesday of the month for a Zoom catch up call usually led with a morning meditation from one of our members.

Remember, playing at any age is vital for your health. Come play!


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