Anne Garland
CEO (Chief Event Officer)
Anne Garland Enterprises


I am Anne Garland (pronounced “Annie”) and as an intuitive connector, event producer, and empowerment entrepreneur, I thrive in connecting people who, together, can produce real and rewarding results.

I am a catalyst for creativity, self-development, and sales. Utilizing the power of shared spaces and places, I engage and connect the right people at the right time, allowing them to reach their goals faster than they thought possible.

By leveraging my years of global marketing and sales expertise, which includes working for top international brands like BASF, Honeywell, Hanes Knitwear, and Applied Textiles, with my keen creative interior design from 12 years including 6 years at Kagan Architects in Connecticut, I now deliver a one-two combination of punches that knocks out the competition in bringing out the best in people and teams.

Today, I celebrate that my networking events have produced a dazzling impact for so many for more than 25 years. A natural networker, I discovered my gift for resourcefulness at the age of 10. When I sold 90 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies I had no idea that sales or the term “networking” would become a major part of my life’s passion and legacy. I just knew that I had outsold the next highest producer by 75 boxes!

My husband, Keith, and I share sacred space with our two collies, splitting our time between our 50-acre-wood rural Connecticut home and our summer beach house in Old Lyme. In addition to visiting with our beloved five grandchildren, Keith and I love riding the motorcycle through the back roads viewing the Connecticut rarely seen from a car.

9 Things About Anne

Let’s Have Some FUN! Here are 9 "fun" facts about Anne and one is a lie.

Can you tell which one? (swipe over a photo to reveal a fact).

Email or text me and provide your guess!

Shoes and necklaces that make a statement are my jam. I own over 100 pairs of shoes, not counting winter boots. Necklaces, I have many and varied with a few local favorite designers: Charlotte Meyer Jewelry, CT (featured photo necklace); Dawn Eger Rizzo, DRE Designs, RI; and Julia Bernadsky, Untamed Hearts, NJ. I believe accessories are an important touch – often a great conversation starter.
Popcorn…delicious, fluffy, white popcorn…and lots of it. Yum! I love popcorn so much that when I married Keith and we hosted a huge family reunion, I used this occasion as an excuse to buy my very own popcorn machine. It came complete with bags and the buttery salty mix, just like the movie theaters serve with their unique salt. Popcorn is a true favorite with our grandkids – and a delight when friends come over.
I love fast sports cars, especially convertibles. This willow green Jaguar XKE 1970 Roadster was my all-time favorite. Before that high jump to a Jaguar, my first sports car was a red ‘65 Corsair Corsa convertible four-on-the-floor. In my senior year, I was one of the first kids in high school to have my own car to drive to school and work. I also owned a plum color ‘73 MG Midget and a silver ‘75 914 Porsche Boxster between my boring company cars. Over the last 15 years, my love has turned to BMW's. My newest play vehicle is my/our retirement treat: a burgundy Corvette. All were standard shifts except the Corvette. I will be driving standard shifts as long as I can walk –no self-driving cars for me.
Design, art & architecture is my passion. My dream was to be a famous interior designer working for a significant architectural firm in NYC. I did become an award-winning interior designer in Connecticut but had to put that career aside with hopes of returning. I did end up with an office on Fifth Avenue working in the design industry with architects and designers that paid me more as an expert in the industry, but not as a designer. My heart will always be drawn to beautiful spaces and buildings, contemporary and old, while exploring their history and how people live in these environments. This photo is from the Guggenheim Museum in Balboa, Spain, which invoked emotional tears of awe when we visited in October 2019.
Golf has been a part of my family for as long as I can remember, but it wasn't something I gravitated to when I was younger. I would rather watch paint dry than play golf or even watch it, especially on the one TV in the house. It wasn't until a few years ago that I became hooked when I stopped by a local driving range. Maybe nostalgia set in for those family days gone by. Now I golf. I'm heading into my fifth season of lessons, and I’m still learning. Love the outfits!
My obsession is water. Ocean, lakes, or any body of water where you can swim, I am intoxicatingly drawn to. Put me in a boat on the water, even a kayak, and I'm, indeed, in heaven. I’ve always marveled at the vast expanse of the ocean; as I gaze outward, I dream of endless possibilities. Seeing a lake will always bring me back to my childhood home where I grew up living lakeside in upstate NY. There's always something to do in all seasons when you live on a lake, especially with the steady flow of friends and visitors. That may explain why I'm an expert at gathering people together for events and fun experiences. I especially love Girls’ Night Out at my beach house. It's only a four-minute walk to the beach, and the joy of toes in the sand while sharing special moments as the sun sets is magical.
I love to sing! I sing in the shower, in the car, around the house. I sing as I dance while I'm cooking. My actress daughter, Lauren Ambrose, is a singer, and the apple must not have fallen far from the tree. My all-time favorite song is "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." It had a profound effect on me when I first heard it watching The Wizard of Oz when I was very young. Apparently, it was a signal of my destiny. I actually tear up every time I hear the song. I often share with people that after my divorce, I finally found my rainbow when I met and then married my husband, Keith. We met online, and we both knew almost immediately that we were meant to be partners.
Meet The Royals: Duke is seven, Duchess is five, and they are full-bred collies. Our sweet fur babies have fun personalities that keep Keith and me laughing and busy with daily walks in the woods where they are forever hoping to catch a deer – which always leads to an exciting chase. Duke loves to play, play, play, and is a true love bug, all 85 pounds. Duchess has an attitude with a fluffy, curly, prissy tail. I swear, if you see her face-front, she looks just like Richard Gere!
Laughter and fun always top my list. Life is too short not to laugh. As Charlie Chaplin said, "A day without laughter is a day wasted." Laugh more, Love more, Live more.


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