

May 23, 2024
MYTH # 2: “Networking feels salesy and slimy. It’s like old-time salesman energy.

In Myth # 1, we uncovered the difficulty in approaching someone new. Today, we will explore how some people feel networking is “icky.” Why is that? MYTH # 2: Networking feels salesy and slimy. It’s like old-time salesman energy. THE MYSTERY: The feeling that networking always feels icky may be a big one for some […]

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March 27, 2024
MYTH #1: The Myths, The Mystery, and Magic of Networking

So, you didn’t work out today? “Networking is like Fitness & Nutrition – we all know what to do. The hard part is making it a priority.” Networking (connecting) is a lifelong process. I have five decades behind me, where I have proven that investing time and energy is essential for building relationships before you […]

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November 20, 2023
 "Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness"

It's official: Thanksgiving week, and we are now barreling down the holiday highway at great speed. Before we know it, the calendar pages will turn twice, and 2024 will be here. Where does the time go? This, as we Americans know, is the week we celebrate Thanksgiving. To me, it represents universal love and gratitude. […]

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March 30, 2023
10 Quick "A" List Refresher Networking Tips for 2023

Now more than ever, the buzz is all about getting out there and networking again. Virtual is good, but meeting in-person is best for building rapport and long-lasting connections. “95% of professionals think that in-person networking is crucial to maintaining long-lasting business relationships.” Source: Harvard Business Review As a serial networker, even I had to […]

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February 16, 2023
Shh! Be Still and Listen to Your Inner Voice

Your heart knows what you need. Do you take time to quiet your mind and listen to your heart? During a busy day last week, my phone rang. On the other end was a very dear friend with whom I had not spoken for months for no other reason than life just “getting in the […]

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February 1, 2023
Relax and “FLOAT” Your Stress Away!

Is your hectic lifestyle getting you down? Are you looking for ways to lower your blood pressure, heal your body, and soothe your soul? Today, I hear a lot of chatter about self-care and relaxing the mind. There are many relaxation methods, including massage, meditation, reiki, yoga, and aromatherapy. Practicing some form of daily relaxation […]

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November 22, 2022
Connecting with the Old Man in My Tree

My Thanksgiving Gratitude I have much to be thankful for this November as we say our goodbyes to our summer neighbors and our charming beach house, which brings joy to me and all who visit. This year I want to give gratitude to the unusual maple tree in our backyard. As I have read, trees […]

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November 1, 2022
The Painting: How I Manifested My Second Husband Three Decades Before We Met

I knew the first time I saw this painting it was a picture of me and my future husband. No question. I had lost my corporate job due to a recession and was temporarily (so I thought) working at a restaurant when a new hire, Mo, joined me. We worked nights serving customers as cocktail […]

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October 5, 2022
Focus Your Energy and Flow...5 Strategies for 4th Quarter Success

September is my favorite month, yet I blinked and blew past it. Here we are in October. Yes, I am a bit sad we turned a corner in summer; however, some of the year’s best days are coming up. The fall, to me, is like getting a fresh reset, unlike January when everyone sets their […]

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August 10, 2022
Successful Networking Lessons from an Unlikely Source

Would it surprise you that you can learn a lot about networking by studying bees? Bees have survived for centuries. How long will you survive in your business? In New England, summer has finally arrived! I love sitting outside in the sun's warmth on my deck, which overlooks a unique labyrinth pathway carved out of […]

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